Thursday, March 26, 2009

DiaBlog #13

"All I ask of you is to see me for who I am. Aisha. I spell my name not with a y or an e, but with an i. See me. I live with you. I live near you. I go to your school; I eat in your cafeteria; I take the same classes. Now I am your valedictorian. I want what you want. I want a future." (152)

Awesome! That was pretty cool of Aisha. And a really good speech. Aisha seems to have gotten her head back, but more humbly than before. What she said about seeing her for who she is was very true, not for her only, but for Nadira too. Aisha did a really good job of talking and it seemed not only did she make a speech about herself, but about all the other illegal immigrants as well. As if she were trying to show people that immigrants were exactly the same as them. It was brave of her to go up to a podium and tell everyone that she's an illegal alien. You go... girl...

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

DiaBlog #12

" 'Come on!' I call. 'It's not that far!' I hold out both hands. the hot air wavers between us. Then Aisha lets her arms float to her sides and she jumps towards me." (148)

I thought these three sentences were very important and significant. Aisha finally gives in to Nadira and trusts her as she falls. Aisha seems to be making friends with Nadira now, even though she was all mean just three seconds ago. I find it funny that Madira can jump down to the ground, but Aisha can't. When Aisha's feet slip on the monkey bars, I remember all the 'messages' that Nadira sends through her thoughts. Like at the beginning of the chapter with stars that turn into rubber stickers that fall off the ceiling. I think that Aisha is wobbling inside too, on whether she should jump or not, whether she should open the college admissions or not, whether she should tell everyone what happened or not. It's pretty interesting.

Monday, March 23, 2009

DiaBlog #11

"Abba always said you should be careful around strange Americans-- they tell you a lot about themselves at first, but they don't mean it... Abba always said Americans don't know to be family. It's like this country, he explains; so many long distances between them. but now I'm not so sure. This guy looks pretty sad, and besides, my family doesn't seem to be so close anymore." (125-126)

This was a really good part, because what Abba was true and not true at the same time. Americans do tell you a lot about themselves. Which is kind of weird, but I think it's because their families far away and they need someone to tell their troubles to. It's rather pathetic, but most people listen, whether they know the person or not. I think it's because they're too polite to say they barely know the person, but I also think that it's because you can tell when someone needs listening too. Abba was right when he talked about long distances making families less family like. But his family isn't a family anymore really and they're in the same house. Kind of sad, isn't it? I was happy that Nadira found something in the document that no one noticed, which shows that's she's smarter and more observant than lawyers, but wanting to show Aisha is sad. Aisha doesn't even about her grades anymore, why would she care about Nadira winning the case? The end of this cahpter confused me, but reading the next chapter will probably help. :D

Thursday, March 19, 2009

DiaBlog #10

"When the pool closed in September, Abba cupped his hands around my shoulders and said, 'If you can breathe, you can get through anything.' " (116)

This sounds both ominous and happy. Ominous because if Nadira stops breathing (figuratively) she'll lose a lot of air. And that can't be good, especially if she's going to try and get Abba out of jail. She seems to lose her air when she second-guesses her great discovery. It's like she has an old Aisha inside her, putting down herself and showing all her bad sides. I was kind of thinking, 'Stupid girl.' (Well not stupid, but that's not the point.) She should believe in herself and be confident. Of course it's also happy because the book says that Nadira can get through anything if she wanted to. Abba might not have known about what was going to happen, which is scary. In case any case, he gave her advice and she should follow it or she might find herself in a bad place... Also, I felt sorry for her when she had to go with Tareq, who she kind of trusted and he pulled a revolver on her. Of course, he was only doing his job and making sure he doesn't get in trouble, but she trusted and what do you know? He threatens her. How rude. But I also has a point for Tareq's side. When Nadira was looking around the room, she saw a revolver. That might've been what cut the stretching rubber band of her conscience, but I read it again, not paying attention to the revolver and her ominous thoughts. If she hadn't been there for a social security number, she might've been over at a friend's house, minus the mens yelling. There was a kid sitting on the couch, watching the Simpsons; A little girl or boy running upstairs, not wanting to go to bed (that sounds familiar ;D). It could be anyone's house. Those men have a life that doesn't include guns and illegal legality. So... I wonder what comes next?

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

DiaBlog #9

"Then Mr. Friedlander replies, 'No, I don't think that's it. That doesn't sound like Aisha." (112)

This was a closing door for Aisha, not just because her teachers didn't know her. Aisha is nothing like she was used to. It's like Aisha left her body and went somewhere else. I felt kind of sorry for her, but not that much. Aisha feels way too sorry for herself that she unknowingly doesn't let anyone else feel sorry for her. I felt like slapping her when she lied to her favorite teacher, who was trying to help her. And then she basically makes her teachers hate her parents so that she wouldn't seem bad. Which didn't do anything, since Mr. Friedlander called Nadira to the office to figure out what is wrong with Aisha. She basically isn't herself anymore. I thought she might fight harder when she was deprived, but she didn't. She gave up and any respect she had for herself probably was gone. I know that sounds really mean, but she can't even defend herself. She was really strong at the beginning of the book, although very mean; but now she's almost like Nadira, except everyone notices that she's subdued. I think that by the end of the book, she should become herself again, but nicer to Nadira and more like a sister. That's so idealistic of me but it does happen sometimes. A happy ending would be good for this book. Especially for Nadira and Aisha.

Monday, March 16, 2009

DiaBlog #8

"We've become a house run by women, just like Uncle warned." (88)

I find thid quote funny, because I don't think Uncle actually thought that would happen. He kind of put a jinx on it. I was sad though, because in order to save money, since Uncle didn't have a job, Auntie brought the old, almost-rotten fish from the market. I think that Auntie is taking this a little regularly than most people would. I mean, she's not crying, at least not in front of Nadira. I do think that she should try to do something for Uncle, like Nadira and Aisha. I still wonder what they wrote in their letters. It would have to be very good for Homeland Security to let him go. But I think Aisha's fighting has gone completely. She just sits there and waits. I was confused because at the beginning of the chapter, Aisha makes a letter to the security and I think that's what gets Uncle out of jail. But then she just sits on her bed. What's wrong with her?! And then she starts talking like a wind-up toy, or a stuck record. There is something seriously wrong with that girl. When Taslima begins to skip calsses to work, I was happy because she's trying to support the family. When Uncle came home and just hung around casually, I was basically yelling at him, like "Hello! you just came from jail! Atleast do something useful, like getting a job!"

Thursday, March 12, 2009

DiaBlog #7

" 'Any individual, from any country, no matter what their immigration status, has a right to a lawyer-' 'Save it,' the woman interrupts." (85)

This part really riled me, because I thought that Aisha was saying something worth listening to, especially if she knows what she's saying. That woman wasn't even listening. She didn't care about what Aisha said, just that she was an illegal immigrant, who didn't have any say in what happened. I thought that was stupid, esp. since Aisha was talking very smartly. I think that the policewoman was actually scared that Aisha would outsmart her. And when she was talking, she didn't sound like she was very educated. Actually (no offense to anyone who feels offended) she sounded like those people in gangster movies, or the slaves from the 1800's. I thought that it was stupid that a woman like that was above Aisha. (That sounds shallow) What I mean is that, she lives in America and is a citizen, but she doesn't speak properly; yet Aisha is an illegal immigrant and she's the smartest in her class. You see where this is going?