Monday, March 16, 2009

DiaBlog #8

"We've become a house run by women, just like Uncle warned." (88)

I find thid quote funny, because I don't think Uncle actually thought that would happen. He kind of put a jinx on it. I was sad though, because in order to save money, since Uncle didn't have a job, Auntie brought the old, almost-rotten fish from the market. I think that Auntie is taking this a little regularly than most people would. I mean, she's not crying, at least not in front of Nadira. I do think that she should try to do something for Uncle, like Nadira and Aisha. I still wonder what they wrote in their letters. It would have to be very good for Homeland Security to let him go. But I think Aisha's fighting has gone completely. She just sits there and waits. I was confused because at the beginning of the chapter, Aisha makes a letter to the security and I think that's what gets Uncle out of jail. But then she just sits on her bed. What's wrong with her?! And then she starts talking like a wind-up toy, or a stuck record. There is something seriously wrong with that girl. When Taslima begins to skip calsses to work, I was happy because she's trying to support the family. When Uncle came home and just hung around casually, I was basically yelling at him, like "Hello! you just came from jail! Atleast do something useful, like getting a job!"

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