Tuesday, March 3, 2009

DiaBlog #3

I'm so, so, so sorry that this is late! :(

"I remember when I was little, crouching in a corner of the playground and hearing a group of girls chant: Ask me no questions. Tell me no lies." (29)

This one sentence really popped out at me because it reminded me of when I was little and we had rhymes that we sung. I never thought about what they actually meant, like:
Ring around the roses,
Pocket full of posies.
Ashes, ashes,
We all fall down.

This was one of the rhymes that my friends loved to sing, but I looked it up online after reading that sentence. Apparently it was talking about the Black Plague. I wonder if all those little rhymes you hear kids singing have hidden meanings. Nadira seems to be a very deep person, as she thinks about things that I don't think even adults think about sometimes. Her descriptions in this chapter were very long and I wonder if she captures this all and stores it in her memory. And she seems to trust her teachers a little, even though she's afraid that they'll find out that she's illegal. There was one part I found confusing. Aisha gets an interview with Barnard and even asks her about financial aid. Why did Aisha lie? I know that they did not have that much money, it says so in the chapter, so wouldn't it be better to ask for financial aid. She's certainly smart enough for a scholarship. Aisha's too mysterious for me.


  1. Wow, great quote and awesome connections! I totally agree with you, Aisha is way to mysterious for me, she is super smart and could get a scholarship but she lies about the financial aid thing? whats that about? I also think Nadira really trusts her teachers and it seems to me that she feels really safe at her school, because she knows they're not the only illegal students. I loved your connection about the rhymes, and i thought about that too. I never knew the hidden meaning about "ring around the roses" and i also wonder if there is a hidden meaning behind their rhyme. I'm sure there is!
    Great job!

  2. Good Job Neeli,

    I love the quote you selected and the facts and connection to you life to support your quote. My favorite part of this blog is when you stated the connection between the rhyme: ring around the roses.... like Kalli said. I found that really interesting and I also wonder if there is a hidden meaning between all rhymes that we don't know about? Did you ever think that these songs that we sing when we are little kids have any meaning whatsoever? Maybe? Maybe NOT? I also agree with you about Nadira being deep. The way she speaks reminds of the way poetry flows. Roses are red, violets are blue etc. etc. etc. Again, good job.


  3. great job
    i love the quote you chose and i love what you said about hidden meanings in children's rhymes
    the majority of rhymes that we are taught are about sickness, death and other really inappropriate stuff for a kid to be singing about!

  4. good job.

    I like the connections from the book to your real life. I also found it nice that you said that kids sing these ryhmes thinking they mean what they mean but they acatally have a deeper meaning, those kids were probably singing that song because they had heard there parents say that, but they have no idea what it means.


  5. Nice work. I loved that you made a unique connection between your own experience—the rhyme. I was shocked when my friend told me and explained it was about the black plague! I think it would be very interesting to try and decode the school kids’ rhyme at a deeper level. I also wonder who came up with it. This sentence also popped out at me because it was very descriptive and significant. It was significant to me because it had the title of the book in it, and that lead to me paying even more attention to it. I bet we’ll have a better understanding of this sentence and its significance after finishing the book.

  6. Neeli,

    Great Job! I loved the connections about the other rhymes and hidden meanings. I agree with you on the financial aid thing. I didn't get why she did that either. Maybe it was to protect her family even more. But I'm not sure. Because if you get financial aid, do you need to put your address?
    Great connections and awesome job! :D


  7. I really loved how you talked about what came to mind after reading this sentence. I had never really thought about the connection between ring around the roses and this chant, but now I do :). I agree that Nadira is way deep

    Great (B)log

  8. good job neeli i like the sentence you picked and it was cool how you tied it to your past. i also agree that nadira seems very deep.

  9. Good job and great connections! I think it is pretty creepy that children sing about stuff like that and I completely agree that Aisha is a very mysterious person with more than one side to her. Great points!

  10. I agree with practically almost everyone else! I like how you connected the rhymes towards your childhood experiences. Haha, when I found that out, I was pretty incredulous. I mean, who would ever think that such a childish game could have a hidden meaning of something negative? I sure didn't. I disagree with Aisha being "mysterious" though. I feel that she presents herself in a very "straightfoward" and rude-ish sort of way not really mysterious. She presents herself as a very strong person. Overall I really liked you log. Fantastic work!

  11. I'm in with the general consensus. It's odd how these tiny little snippits have such powerful ties. Totaly reminds me of the Da Vinci Code, with all the hidden puzzles and everything... Anyhoo, not quite sure i agree about Aisha being mysterious- she's just trying to keep people from figuring out she's illegal. She has layers to her, granted. I also think that she's not as strong as she appears under those layers.

  12. Wow Neeli! Nice job! I like how you connected back to your own childhood and talked about the song you would sing. It's creepy that we sing these songs without knowing what they really mean! I also wondered why Aisha said no to the financial aid....what are they going to do?? I agree that Aisha is a little mysterious. Nice work!
